About Elly Johnson

Elly Johnson, a seasoned professional with over two decades of expertise, delves into the intricate and nuanced topics of truth and human communication. Rooted in her early career in law enforcement, Elly's fascination with human behavior sparked a lifelong journey to understand the delicate relationship between people and truth.

As the architect behind the 5 Truth Circles model, Elly encourages deeper reflection on how truth, truthfulness, and hidden truths shape various aspects of our lives. With a commitment to growth and collaboration, she applies her knowledge across diverse domains:

In training, her Perceptive Interviewing® method goes beyond basics, enabling individuals to uncover valuable insights in interviews and high-stakes interactions. In leadership development, Elly guides leaders to leverage truth for stronger professional relationships and authentic leadership.

As a speaker, Elly delivers thought-provoking presentations shedding light on the powerful influence of truth in our lives. Her engaging talks leave audiences with new perspectives, weaving the important topics of truth and trust into the fabric of relationships, self-awareness, communication, leadership, and performance.

In personalised coaching sessions, Elly is passionate about helping individuals tap into a deeper truth, paving the way for a future filled with purpose, personal power, and authenticity. 

With a wealth of experience training, speaking, and consulting globally for over 20 years, Elly's journey through law enforcement and leadership has shaped highly respected programs, teaching effective information gathering, informed decision-making, and recognising the profound impact of truth on every aspect of our lives.

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